Wednesday 9 April 2014


Nowadays we are creating a lot of pollution and it is so bad for the world. For example, the CO2 is making glaciers to get melted and that problem causes that some animals dissapeared, because their lose the habitat , where they live. To avoid this people could use public transports in order to not pollute and not make so much CO2. Another way to avoid the problem of the animals' extinction is that we could stop buying the clothes which are made of animals' skin, because hunters hunt them without any limits.


A reason why we have to take care of the earth is because the mother earth day is coming soon, but we don't do it only for that day, we should do it every day, to have a better future. We are writing this to remaind you that this is a real problem and it's happening more than what you think, so we want you to start thinking about it and  try to change a little bit the world doing only things that will be better to our future. 


Nowadays a big problem is happening in our forests. We cut trees in order to use and waste a lot of paper. For example: in shops, they give you large  receipts just for a few things that you buy. Other times they give you a big bag made of paper to bring your things, when you really need a little bag.

It happens the same with the publicity, every day in the street people give you little papers about shop's information. Other times the post man/woman puts the publicity into your postbox, and you are never going to look at it. Big multinationals waste a lot of paper doing magazines about their products.


That's why we should start thinking about the future of our forests and start acting. We have to be aware and do things to stop and control the deforestation. For example, when you use a paper use it as many times as possible and when you don't want it more you have to recycle it. Or when you go to a shop and you buy a small thing and they give you a option to take a paper bag you have to refuse it and put it in your own bag.
These are little things that could make a big change.






Saving energy is very important to our environment. There are different ways to save energy:


     - Use special bags for shopping
     - Separate different kinds of materials like paper, plastic
     - Reuse again papers, boxes...
     - ...

      - Wind farms
      - Solar farms
      - Water energy
      - Thermal energy
      - ...


Consequences of wasting energy:

1- The global warming will grow
2- The polar ice-caps will melt and the sea level will increase sinking important places.
3- The fossil fuels will run out.


 There are many tips to save the enviroment. For example: save energy, don't throwing litter in the street, defore station and solar or wind power. But in our opinion recycle plastic is the easiest.

 A plastic material is any of a wide range of synthetic or semi-synthetic organic solids that are moldable. Plastics are typically organic polymers of high molecular mass, but they often contain other substances. They are usually synthetic, most commonly derived from petrochemicals, but many are partially natural.

 Plastic recycling is the process of recovering scrap or waste plastic and reprocessing the material into useful products, sometimes completely different in form from their original state.

4 steps for how to recycle plastic:

- Find out what kind of program your community has for recycling plastics.

- Rinse out the bottles. Fill it with water, swill that around and then empty. Repeat twice. You don't need to bother with soap, as this is just to remove the bulk of the remaining fluid, as this can get smelly in storage.

- Remove the caps. Caps and glued labels can`t be recycled, so just throw them out.

-Follow your community's instructions on what to do with your plastic bottles.



Monday 7 April 2014

City Pollution RRR

In the recent years, we are polluting the environment a lot and because of that we are suffering some environmental problems that affect our health, such as the ozone layer  being destroyed due to the high quantity of chemical products that we use, leaving our bodies not protected enough. Apart from that, we are also destroying our world by producing too many gases which is the reason why air pollution is formed.  Now, we are going to explain how we can avoid this situation and have a brighter future for generations to come.
First of all, we should try to insert in our daily lives the three R “RRR” method , which consists of Reducing, Reusing and Recycling.
Reducing is the first step, and in our opinion the easiest one to do, it is the way to use less materials and fossil fuels. Doing that, we can avoid the pollution of that products to the environment and to all the living species in the earth. Here are some tips that can help you reducing in your daily live:  
è Use less toxic chemicals in the products that we consume.
è Buy and use only what we need.
è Use more permanent items instead of disposable ones.
è Reduce the amount of plastic bags you use in the supermarket.
Apart from reducing, we also can reuse some materials that are used in an excessive way, such as the paper or resources. In the case of the paper, we would be able to avoid the deforestation reusing the amount of paper that is used nowadays and due to that stop people cutting so many trees. We also can use the new technologies to create new resources without polluting, like the rechargeable batteries instead of disposable ones, produce energy from  windmills, solar panels, waves power, etc.
Finally the last step, the most common one it’s recycle, which consists of throwing each material to the bin it’s required, in order to create new materials that, in a future, can be used again. It is an easy way to help the environment because you just have to make a little effort taking care where you throw the rubbish. Now, we will show you some recommendations for recycling:

è Throw the rubbish in each bins. 

Animal testing

Animal testing, known as animal experimentation, is the use of non-human animals in experiments. Animal are also used for education. breeding and defense research. The practice is regulated to various degrees in different countries. 
Using animals in research has been a topic of heated for decades, biomedical and product-safety testing are used in biomedical and product-safety testing. People have different feelings for animals, many look upon them while others vioew animals as a advance for medical techniques. The fact is that animals are being exploited all across the country and all around the world. 
However, many people believe that this is justified because the animals are sacrified to make products safer for human use and consumption.

Do you think animal testing is a good idea? I mean, do you really believe that benefiting from the rest of animals to wear or eat unnecesary things is ethic? If I had made you think a bit about this problem which is becoming more and more hard to solve, you should keep reading this article.
First of all, what is exactly animal testing? This, known as animal experience, is the use of non-human animals in experiments.  On the other hand, animals are also used for education, breeding and defense research.
Althought people have different feelings for animals, in fact, you might look upon them while others view animals as a simply advance for medical techniques, it is clear the fact that animals are being exploited all across the country and all around the world.
However, is still people who think that this practice is justified, why? They claimed that they are sacrified to make products safer for human use and consumption.

Deforestation effect

Deforestation happens when the humans cut down too many trees for many reasons, such as make paper but most of them are related to money. But not all deforestation are intentional some are caused by acid rain and a combination of human and natural factors, which prevent the growth of young trees. The countries with the highest deforestation in the world are Brazil and Indonesia. The bad effects of this unethical action are that some animals loose their habitat and because of this they can become extinct. Also there are tribes living in the jungle or in the forests so if we cut down the trees they will loose their homes. And did you know that cutting trees reduces the quantity of oxygen because of the photosynthesis? It is true, the more trees we cut the less oxygen we have. How can we Reduce-Reuse-Recycle REDUCE: First of all we have to use the paper from th booth sides. For example, in Bilbao the creditrans have been banned and the barik has replace them. The last is made by plastic instead of paper.